Cellro is the first class developer of robotic automation for the machining industry. ‘Futureproof’ is our company’s core principle. A Cellro system increases your profits for years to come, by cleverly combining a modular construction and intelligent software.
Cellro believes that today’s high-quality machining industry is filled with potential. But to remain globally competitive, the industry needs to produce more cost-effectively without compromising on quality. Only by employing the most flexible automation available, you can confidently maximise your machine’s profitability – even when you currently have no clear picture of your future production.
Modularity. That’s what offers Cellro’s true value. There is no need to let rigid automation tighten your flexibility. Cellro’s modular technology and smart software allow you to switch functions and add-ons at any time. As a result, you benefit from full flexibility for future use.
Cellro uniquely allows producers of small and mid-scale series to reduce labor costs, increase hourly output and grow overall production. All with a supreme degree of certainty no other automation brand can offer.
Xcelerate is Cellro’s most accessible and flexible automation system yet. Xcelerate succeeded in integrating Cellro’s unsurpassed flexibility in a compact and versatile automated co-worker. The system is compatible with Cellro’s tried and proven modules and is ready for a wide array of machines, tasks and product types. This makes your Xcelerate exceptionally versatile.